Satteva Wellness Group
We are a consultancy specialized in the creation, renovation, and innovation of wellness centers. 30 years of experience working with Destination Spa Resorts and urban spas in the USA, Spain, Mexico, and Latin America.
Satteva Wellness Group, brings together international experts and wellness professionals to provide a comprehensive approach to the business of Well-Being.

8 Main Concepts
Modern life brings stress and pollution, increasing problems such as depression and anxiety. To address this, Satteva presents 8 concepts to cultivate wellness and balance. Abstract: In today’s life, marked by stress and pollution, Satteva offers 8 concepts to promote wellness and balance.
Since ancient times, water has been therapeutic, cleansing and relaxing. Its temperature, pressure and minerals offer simple remedies. Warm water boosts the immune system, eliminating toxins.
We are what we eat, so we must choose each of our food well and as natural as possible. Nutrition is also received through all our senses, we feed ourselves with what we see, hear, see and touch.
The body and mind need to swing between activity and deep rest to achieve maximum vitality during the day and regeneration at night, like a pendulum. It is the only way to recover from daily stress.
Physical activity is based on breathing and heart rhythm, essential to renew ourselves physically and mentally. By tuning into our natural rhythms, we create balance and vitality.
Nature follows a set of laws that guide how it grows and develops. We are also subject to these natural laws. Observing nature helps us to know our inner nature.
Calming the mind and reducing our mental activity will constantly lead us to a full and higher consciousness to connect with ourselves and our potential as creators in life.
Connection with others and shared purpose are fundamental to human health and solidarity. Humans thrive in community by connecting with others to grow.
When we feel healthy and connected, we can live with joy and express ourselves freely. Inspiration flows in the absence of stress. Creativity is the ability to express through images and concepts what we feel and perceive, without judgment or criticism.